The rope section is one of the hardest parts of the game. The third Mission is infamous for its rope section. Other than that, the level is pretty easy, especially the fight with the Machinegun Robot. The platforming section can easily catch a newbie off guard and kill them three times. The second Mission then ramps up the difficulty spike significantly. The platforming of the level is very lenient compared to what you'll be up against later. Yes, the very first Mission of the game is able to provide you with trouble. Levels to commonly gain a Game Over in: Mission 1 The difficulties do not seem to matter until the highest difficulty adds a lot more enemies to attack on Mission 3, leaving you with no weapon types. This can happen if you play recklessly, are not familiar with the mechanics of the game, don't conserve ammo efficiently enough, your platforming skills are not up to par, or expend ammo efficiently, or pick up the wrong weapon type. Getting a Game Over in the game, Commando, is extremely easy to do when playing through the game the first time.
1.1 Levels to commonly gain a Game Over in:.